Ontario Fall Duck and Grouse Hunting
Spruce Grouse, Ruffed Grouse, Woodcocks, Canadian Geese
Shotgun or bow
Mallards, Wood Ducks, Blue BIlls (Lesser & Greater Scaup), Goldeyes, Blue Winged Teals, Green Winged Teals, Pintails, Northern Shovlers
Combine bird and duck hunting with some of the finest fall walleye and muskie fishing to be found.
The ducks and bird population in the Osbourne and Niven Bay area are plentiful. The endless bays and open shallow areas containing large wild rice fields attract many migratory ducks and birds. Some geese and some types of divers are found in the area also. Grouse are especially good to hunt in late September when the leaves have fallen so they are more easily seen. Weather wise, it is best to hunt no later than mid-October to avoid too cold of weather. Walk the many abandoned logging roads for great grouse shooting.
Based on 2 people – 6 day hunt Single hunters 25% surcharge

Century Lodge Blast and Cast
(add $100/person to any plan)
Package Includes:
Please refer to your package plan.