A hard fighting fish! We catch a lot each season between 30 inches
and 49.5 inches. An excellent sport fish and excellent eating! Fun to catch and plentiful are the northern pike that lurke the waters of Eagle Lake. Catch them casting shorelines or trolling. Their ability to resist your lure is weak and their appetite is healthy!

Customers reviews
What do people say?
"Awesome! Caught a 42" northern on a jig!
25 1/2 and 26 1/2 inch walleye. Great people and new friends!"
Tom Newman
Spring Grove, IL
"Caught 2 northerns over 40 inches! Group landed 7 muskie over 42 inches. Solid walleye fishing."
Jeff Monacy
Castle Rock, CO
"Caught and released 44" Pike!!"
Reed Quillen
Kingston, TN
"Caught a 42" northern jigging with 8# test line!"
Jeff Wright
Solon Spring, Mn
"2 pike over 20 lbs each.
HUGE Muskie!! -
Mike Wisniewski
"Fishing was great! 40" northern. Great food."
Kirt Fryer
Tulsa, Ok
"10th year up. Fishing keeps getting better. 15 muskies in the boat. Lost 50" pike boat-side."
Mike Hopkins
Aurora, IL
"Located lots of muskies. Caught 33", 34', 37 1/2", 43", and 45" pike! Also 23 and 23 1/2" walleye."
Tom Holak, Jr.
Elgin, IL